19 March 2012


'When people walk away from your life, let them go. Your destiny is never tied on anyone who leaves you and it does not mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your life story is over'..

; Dr Ramizah Wan Muhammad

I do not know how it ends. Just that I miss you, right before it does.

Kuala Lumpur

06 March 2012


'the person you are thinking of is also thinking of you'

I dont have any scientific proof on this answar. But I believe, if somebody who is very closed to you and you remmber him dearly and deepy.. I am sure he is thinking of you as well. It happened to me many times.. :) We call this telephaty.

Pengalaman saya sendiri, bila saya sebut nama seseorang dalam doa saya dan di kala saya sujud, orang itu akan hubungi saya.. :) Subhanallah.. Hati kita milik Allah. Dia akan menjentik hati orang itu untuk hubungi saya.

: Dr Ramizah Wan Muhammad

Percaya? :)


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