03 December 2009


Sehari terlalu lama, sebulan telah sempurna..

Aku tak tahu nak tulis apa, tapi yang pastinya aku sudah terlalu rindu..

Sekali ini harapnya tautan antara aku dengan Emansipasi dan SC akan lebih baik lagi..

Seperti suatu waktu dulu, ketika aku tersenyum dan berbahagia dengan blog...

Dan hari ini yang tercipta, aku pun tertanya-tanya..

Apakah Emansipasi ruang untuk aku berkongsi tawa gembira atau titis luka mutiara?

Sesudah 30 hari sempurna, bererti sepurnama jua aku tanpa jawapannya...

3 Nov 2009 (5.11am)


Lama sy tunggu syima tulis something. Syima,please be honest to yourself. Jadilah diri u sendiri dlm erti kata yg sebenar,sy tahu u kuat. I tahu u tahu apa yg u nak buat,its just u tak berani nak buat. Ikut gerak hati u,insyaAllah everything wanna be okay after this. Trust me syima. I don’t know what was happened to u actually,but syima i know how u feel.. Its hard to believe people when they say "i know how u feel" right? But i actually know how u feel.. Wut am trying to say is.. I know the feeling of insignificant humanly possible. People made mistake. Everytime we make one more mistake,we feel we can’t repent and that its way too late. Maybe u’re so confused,then wrong decisions u have made and haunt ur mind and ur heart is full of shame.

Dear sweet girl,world is still a bigger place to see,to walk through. And please take ur time with it. Go out,see the world. Then insyaAllah,u'll find a better person,even better.. There are so much to learn about outside. U still young. Adillah pada diri u sendiri,diri u ada hak untuk hidup bahagia macam orang lain. Now,focus on ur study. Think about ur future. Just forget the past and start a new chapter in ur life. Remember syima,sometimes pertolongan tu datang bukanlah daripada seseorang yang dekat dengan kita,keluarga,sahabat handai dan sebagainya. Tapi kadang-kadang boleh jadi daripada somebody yang kita langsung tak kenal. Satu hari nanti for sure u go sumwhere new. And u meet people who make u feel worth while again. And little pieces of ur soul finally will comeback.

Lastly,turn to ur God. He is always by ur side. InsyaAllah. Raise ur hand and pray hard everyday. Hidup ni walau apa pun syima,kita diciptakan dengan fitrah berTuhan. I’m not a religious one also,but put ur trust in God and never lose hope with Him. Then u’ll know how wide,how high,how long and how deep God cares and love u. Sometimes the best way to hold onto something is to let it go. Girl,once again trust me. Something yg rosak tak semestinya akan berakhir dengan kehancuran,if kita perbetulkan mana tahu ia akan jd even better dengan izin God.

Sweet little girl,one day i want to see ur photo with a smile in ur graduation day okay;)

Mr Ry

Dear Mr Ry,
(bunyinya 'mister ri' yer?)
panjangnye komen..haha..i like ur nick name,sounds perfect;) but,i dont know who r u actually.. u wrote like u're somebody's around me.. do i know u Mr Ry? dont tell me that u're somebody from MSU okay.. i wish u're not;)

u tulis komen ni atas dasar apa? perikemanusiaan i guess.. anyway,tq so much 4 ur concern.. sy okay,sihat & baik2 saja..

once again,tq so much 4 the advices..adakah anda seseorang yg mengenali atau memerhatikan sy dari jarak yg dekat Mr Ry? Please answer me if u're sincere.. May God bless u;)

Sorry girl. i busy sikit. how's ur day? siapa i x penting syima,dekat or jauh i pon tak penting. anggap laa i somebody yg nk tgk u berjaya,mcm ur family nk tgk u berjaya,kwn2 u,pensyarah2 u,kan?

silent reader macam i kadang2 ada banyak sebab utk beri komen,jangan fikirkan siapa i okay. study betul2,i know u can do it.

sweet little girl,i dont want to read sad story anymore in ur post,boleh?
take care :)

Mr Ry

Mr Ry,
boleh kita berkomunikasi secara berdua? sy kurang selesa anda meninggalkan komen kt sini,others can read.. sy ada beberapa persoalan nak tanya about ur komen tu..

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